Newsflash: It's still not Friday. On a happier note: I have a few pictures from last week. Last week (January 22nd, to be precise) was my birthday! I made Chris and Kelli drive deep in to the valley to the new Yardhouse in Northridge to watch the Clippers v Thunder game and toast to me being older. At work, everyone gets cake and decorations for their birthday. The problem was, they didn't know it was my birthday. Cake is a big deal. So I let my pal Adriana know that it was my birthday and the next day there was cake and decor. Most importantly, cake. Saturday we got all gussied up and went out for ma'birthday. Well, first: we helped Chris move. Which explains the shape their apartment is in in the background. Thank goodness this is the only picture we took while we were out, because thing started getting real sloppy on my part not too long after the photo above was taken. I want you to remember me just. ...
you can take the country out of the girl, but you can't...wait, that's not right...