thanksgiving! a time for food! a time for family! a time for pretty cars! a time for television! today DirectTV was installed at the apartment. yes it's a dumb purchase. but you try living with someone for the first time and only having one television channel. it's rough! especially when we really don't go out much. so, we moved some things around (The Man canceled his gym membership) to pay for satalitte. after working in the cable industry i feel like a traitor. but the apartment has the hookups for DirectTV and they had an amazing deal within our very low price range. so even though i feel like an idiot for buying it, i think it will be one of those little things you have to give yourself and your family each month. like pedicures. (which i haven't had this month...hmm...) we are both away from our families, but tried to make the most of it by hanging out with the family of one of The Man's coworkers. i cooked a few things to take over and they were well receive...
you can take the country out of the girl, but you can't...wait, that's not right...