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Epic Post (Because It's Been Awhile)

Lovelies, I'm sorry. 
It has been way too long since I've posted. It has nothing to do with you, and I don't love you any less. 

You see, I've been preoccupied. There are so many new things happening. I want to share them all with you, but it's so difficult to find the time! 

So you're getting a wam-bam-thank-you-ma'am of a post:  a mini review, a TON of pictures because I've been all over the place snapping them AND a 1x1 (a shorter version of my 2x2). 
Whaaa? Best. Day. EVER!

What I've Been Listening To

The Great Gatsby Soundtrack

You already know that +Jay-Z is the mastermind behind the soundtrack for the new movie The Great Gatsby. But have you listened to it? Some of the songs are a bit annoying at first. But you have to remember the context. The Great Gatsby is another film by Baz Luhrmann, the same director that brought us Moulin Rouge and Romeo and Juliet. Knowing that, you might expect some periodized (is that a word?) renditions of current music, and that's exactly what you'll get. 
My faves: 
'Young and Beautiful' by Lana Del Rey - People hate so hard on Lana, but I think she's fantastic. I haven't heard a song yet from her that I didn't at least sort of like, and I swear I want this one to be my wedding song (hahaha, wedding). 
'Over the Love' by Florence + The Machine - Florence + The Machine. Nuff Said.
'Love is Blindness' by Jack White - I didn't know until recently that this is a cover of a U2 song. How do you get me to listen to anything by Bono? Let Jack White improve it. (To U2's credit I really like that 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' song.)

I've also been listening to a lot of Jessie Ware, Haim and Atlas Genius. (And Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Lena HorneBill Withers...and maybe some Ke$ha but I'll deny it if you ask me.) 

I finally got to go to the Los Angeles Zoo!! It was super hot, but lots of fun. 

We saw...
pretty pink flamingos

a sleepy koala (they sleep 18 hours a day!)

zebras, my fave!

the new baby giraffe (they are six feet at birth - yikes!)

a hot elephant

a baby orangutan climbing all over the place, adorbz.  

this super creepy rat monkey squirrel thing. 

Yay for the zoo!

Jersey Mike & My Photo Shoot
How do couples take pictures? My mother and Mike's mom have been asking over and over for a picture of the two of us. We've only been dating a handful of months, so we didn't have any pictures. I started asking around and realized that somehow every couple I know manages to take pictures of themselves together. When do you find time for that? When does that happen? 

To solve the problem we decided to schedule a photo shoot. 
It was epic. 
The first one is the 'Step Brothers' esque image we set out for. Other than that, I'm just going to let the images speak for themselves. WARNING: this was a shoot. There are a lot of pictures. 

The Sunglasses Sequence:

And utter ridiculousness


Last week I:
...set up my preliminary Website: . I've also been taking on some freelance writing business. Guys! I'm a freelancer!! It's an amazing feeling being able to go out and make my own money. My very own money on my own!

This week I'm looking forward to:
Well, here's the thing. I'm not sure. My boss comes back Thursday and I am NOT looking forward to his I've-been-gone-for-two-weeks tirade. I'm looking forward to making it to the weekend, because with his return and the video shoot I have to coordinate tomorrow, I have a crazy week this week. Come on, Friday!

And that's all! Thanks for reading.


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